Episode 10: Even When There Are No Magic Words To Make It Stop

When we've tried everything - kicking, screaming, resisting, begging, pleading - and the pain still doesn't go away, we're tempted to believe that God is inactive, distant, and aloof. But what if God is more present than ever, waiting out our pain with us, and delivering us through the very trial we're in.

And a big ask: Imogen’s first birthday would be on June 14th. We don’t get to celebrate her here on earth quite the way we’d like, so I’m asking for your help to make that day meaningful and special. If your life has been impacted in any way by Imogen’s life and legacy, would you send me a note? I’m collecting all these messages to read on her birthday to honor her life, as short as it was. You can email your notes directly to happybirthdayimogen@gmail.com by June 12th.

Thank you so much!


Another In The Fire - Hillsong

Suffering - Paul David Tripp

Intro/Outro Music: Fighting Words by Ellie Holcomb


“There is no magic formula that’s going to make this go away. And feeling the pressure to “get it right” or the responsibility to make it stop actually adds more pain to our already heavy suffering.”

“You never just suffer the thing that you’re suffering, but you always also suffer the way that you’re suffering that thing.” - Paul David Tripp

“When we rush to find the fix, the out, the eject button, when we rush to solve this in our own strength, we miss the presence of God in our weakness.”

“Don’t mistake His inaction for insensitivity, or think He’s holding you down when He’s holding your hand.”

“God didn’t deliver them from it, He delivered them through it.”